Classes based on Remarkable Caregiving

Classes based on Dancing With Lewy

Have you ever been plunged into an unexpected caregiving situation, and your anxiety rises? Listen to Nancy’s 30 minute multi-media presentation.  This can also be shared in a group setting.

More Resources - Click Here

For information only; I do not endorse any organization.

Gospel Comfort for Caregivers: Six Ways Your Church Can Help: FaithOnLine

Caring for the caregiver: offer relief and alternatives:  UMC Resources

Visitation Ministry Training for People Helping Ministry from Ministry Tools Resource Center: Mintools

HaDerekh: Paths to Jewish Caregiving from Jewish Sacred Aging

Supporting Caregivers in Jewish Congregations – Building on the general AARP “Prepare to Care” resource guide, this “how to” focuses on Jewish texts and tradition.  C-Tac

Islam and caring for the Muslim Patient – Video, Virutal Mosque

Befriender Ministry: a national, ecumenical non-profit organization that provides leadership training and ongoing support for a care and support in various organizations.  Befriender

Book: A Thief in the Pantry: A Love Story Through Loss, Resolve, Grief, Faith, and Victory as Alzheimer’s Strikes.  Rev. Marvin Eppard talks about how his family and church supported them when the thief Alzheimer’s came to his wife Jan. There are discussion questions in the back. You can purchase it on Amazon

Book: Finding Sanctuary in the Midst of Alzheimer’s by Elizabeth Shulman can be used as a program to develop a dementia caregiver ministry or as a guide for individuals or support groups seeking hope in their caregiving journey. Ms Schulman also offers ideas and resources on her website.

Book: Caregiving to Muslims: A guide for chaplains, counselors, healthcare and soc by Imam Muhammad Hatim PhD, DMin. Find it on Amazon 

YouTube Videos:

Able Ministry in the church.  ABLE (Accept, Believe, Love, Embrace) ifor ndividuals and families impacted by disability.

A Caregivers Prayer

Personal note: I am a Christian, a firm believer that Jesus Christ was born, lived, died, was raised from the dead, and is alive today in order to bring people to a loving God.

However, I believe all communities need caregiver support, and these materials could be adapted to other faith groups.

I am open to speaking to any faith group (or groups not based on a faith.)