In “Dancing with Lewy”, readers meet Lee, born into a large farming family just before the Great Depression. He was a World War II Veteran, self-made businessman, artist, poet, and a man who would give a stranger his last nickel.
His daughter Nancy, practical, organized, and pragmatic, was a primary caregiver for her dad. Learn how Lewy body dementia created a unique father-daughter “dance.”
“Dancing With Lewy” is rich with Lee’s poetry woven throughout the story. While Nancy nearly fell apart through her caregiving journey, she eventually found grace and forgiveness.
In the second part of the book find tips for caregivers.

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Book Club Questions and Resources
Welcome book club members!
Use these questions to provoke thought and discussion. I would love to meet with your book club remotely or in person if you are local. Also feel free to leave your comments about the book under the store, or send me suggestions of questions.
What was your impression of the book? Of Lee? Of Nancy?
Lee grew up in a big farm family during the Depression. He then served stateside in World War II. How did these early experiences shape him?
There are a number of storylines in the book including a father-daughter story, caretaking, self-care, mental health and more. Which storyline struck you the most?
The book included Lee’s original poetry. Did this help you understand his life? If yes, what impressed you about his expression through poetry?
How did you see the author’s faith changing and growing throughout her story?
How did the author celebrate her Scandinavian-Minnesota culture?
What did you think about how the family handled Lee’s driving issues? What would you have done differently?
What advice would you have given Nancy in her role as her Dad’s caregiver?
Do caregiving issues affect your life right now? If so, do you find the Action Items in Part II helpful?
Can you implement any of the caregiving recommendations into your life now?
Expanded Book References
1 “What is LBD? Who was Lewy?” Lewy Body Dementia Association. Updated link: Understanding LBD with Lewy Body Dementia Association (lbda.org)
2 Williams, Susan Schneider. 2016. “Neurology.” The terrorist inside my husband’s brain. September 26. https://n.neurology.org/content/87/13/1308.
3 “What Causes Vascular Dementia?” WebMD last reviewed January 23, 2017. Updated link: Vascular Dementia: Symptoms, Prognosis, Types, Diagnosis, and Treatment (webmd.com)
4 “Executive Function and Executive Function Disorder.” WebMD last reviewed March 25. 2019,https://www.webmd.com/add-adhd/executive-function#1
5 Huang, Juebin Huang, MD, PhD. 2018. “Lewy Body Dementia and Parkinson Disease Dementia.” Merck Manual Consumer Version. March. https://www.merckmanuals.com/home/brain,-spinal-cord,-and-nerve-disorders/delirium-and-dementia/lewy-body-dementia-and-parkinson-disease-dementia .
6 “Dental Care” Alzheimer’s Association. https://www.alz.org/help-support/caregiving/daily-care/dental-care
7“10 Health Issues Caused by Poor Oral Health”. Absolute Dental, January 26, 2017. https://www.absolutedental.com/blog/10-health-issues-caused-by-bad-oral-health/
8 By John Reinan and Mary Lynn Smith, “Prominent businessman Irwin Jacobs shot wife, then himself, medical examiner confirms”, Star Tribune, April 12, 2019, http://www.startribune.com/medical-examiner-confirms-jacobs-deaths-are-murder-suicide/508491092/.