Help! Do you suspect or have an Alzheimer’s or other dementia diagnosis?
Three suggested steps:
1. Educate yourself

2. Obtain a diagnosis.
It is critical to find treatment options and establish a professional caregiving team.
3. Update or obtain current legal documents
Durable Power of Attorney, Healthcare Directive, Healthcare Power of Attorney, and Will
Caregiver Resources
The following resources are informational only; I do not endorse any particular organization or service. If you’d like your resource mentioned here contact me on the form below.
Click on on the + sign to find the list of resources.
Dementia Resources
The Alzheimer’s Association is rich with resources for people dealing with all forms of dementia: Alzheimer’s Association
So Many Goodbyes: Alzheimer’s Support; Karla Hult Founder; Mentorships, Workshops and Events
Lewy Body Dementia Association (U.S.)
Legal and Financial:
AARP Financial and Legal Checklist
American Bar Toolkit for Advance Planning
Senior Planning Services – Applying for Medicaid
Irrevocable Trusts and Medicaid
Other Caregiver Resources
Testing.com – tips for seniors offers tips to help the elderly through medical tests. Testing.com also takes orders for a large variety of tests which can be done at home, or taken to a local laboratory.
Medical Alert System – Advice from Caring.com on the most dependable medical alert systems.
Sr. Housing for Low-Income Residents – A thorough coverage of housing options and methods for low-income seniors.
National Marrow Donor Program/Be the Match®: Caregiver Resources – Cancer, Transplant and General
Take Them a Meal – Easy on-line meal scheduling.
Lotsa Helping Hands – Meals or Transportation Scheduiling: Lotsa Helping Hands
Sensory Resources for People With Dementia – buy puzzles, sensory packs, games and more from
CareTrainr – For a monthly charge, the CareTrainr app records information for paid caregivers, or others coming in to care for a loved one.
Articles on Brain Health from the American Academy of Neurology:
Nursing Home Evaluation:
Minnesota – Nursing Home Report Card
Nursing Home Neglect Legal Help (informational only, not an endorsement of private businesses):
Inpatient Drug Rehab Centers:
Seniors suffering from mesothelioma can find free care and support:
For Veterans
The Ultimate Guide to Senior Veterans Benefits
Veteran’s Service Organizations
Veterans – Aid in Attendance Pension
Resources for veterans with mesothelioma
From the University of Maryville:
Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by Atul Gawande
The 36-Hour Day: A Family Guide to Caring for People Who Have Alzheimer Disease, Other Dementias, and Memory Loss by Nancy L Mace, MA and Peter V. Rabins, MD, Ph.D.
Dementia With Dignity: Living Well with Alzheimer’s or Dementia Using the DAWN Method® by Judy Cornish
When Caregiving Calls: Guidance as Your Care for a Parent, Spouse or Aging Relative by Aaron Blight, Ed.D.
No Regrets: Hope for your Caregiving Season by Rayna Neises
My Two Elaines by Martin J. Schreiber
H.O.P.E. for the Alzheimer’s Journey by Carol B. Amos
The Nourished Brain by Cheryl Mussatto
Juniper – Classes for caregivers to take charge of their health
CDC – Healthcare Workers Handbook (also good tips for non-professionals doing homecare)
Do your loved ones know where to find your important information?