Stories of Six Remarkable Caregivers


Remarkable Caregivers? Not one of these six people planned on taking a chunk of their lives to focus on caring for the extreme needs of another person.  Whether it be the surprise of a baby born with challenges, including Vater syndrome or Down syndrome, or the unexpected court date where a daughter had to give up guardianship of her mom, not one of these six could predict the resilience and ingenuity they would find within themselves.

In Remarkable Caregiving: The Care of Family and Friends you will find surprises, like these:

  1. Why Cynthia had to kidnap her mom in a harrowing airplane ride.
  2. Carol, an extraordinary mom, who gave a humorous answer to the question, “Why does your son Buddy have a string in his nose?”
  3. How Sandra and Ken used the two Ws to keep Sandra’s Dad going into his 90s: Walking and Water. Over and over.
  4. Speaking of walking, how Phil “walked the walk and talked the talk” while serving as the “relief pitcher” for his good friend Wally who had Parkinson’s disease.
  5. Jean got the bad news at work: her mom’s accident left her with six brain contusions, a ruptured spleen, and six broken ribs. Jean did everything from cleaning the hospital rooms to sneaking in phone calls at work to the doctors.
  6. Diana and Greg struggled over what to do with their adult son with Down syndrome. They were the first ones in their home state to find this new – and workable – solution.

Here are six reasons I am excited about Remarkable Caregiving:

  1. Features stories of six ordinary people thrust into the role of caregiving.
  2. Demonstrates stories of caregiver resilience and ingenuity.
  3. A teaching tool for groups to learn why it pays to be prepared for future caregiving situations.
  4. For caregivers who feel alone and frightened, there is hope.
  5. Help and advice for caregivers experiencing stress and loss.
  6. With all the bad news in the world, Remarkable Caregiving celebrates people who truly live out their values.

Public release of Remarkable Caregiving –  November 2nd, 2021.   You can order Remarkable Caregiving on Amazon and other websites that sell books, or from 

You won’t want to miss out on these inspiring stories!

Nancy Poland